Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Coast To Coast Am Review #1

Communicating With The Deceased

I have to admit that I have not yet listened to last nights show on talking to deceased people. I plan to do so but I simply have not yet had the time. However, the topic brought up many questions I already have about ghosts:

Has anyone ever heard of Phillip The imaginary Ghost? I have always thought that although many ghost may be real, a great number of them are simply created by our imaginations. I do not mean that they are fake or anything like that. They are very real, they are simply created by humans.

First of all, I do believe that some ghosts are remnants of the past. I am not sure if they are an energy signal left behind, or the projection of a spiritual being from the other side,but I know that many people have experienced this and believe in it. I would however suggest that a great number of these encounters are a result of our thoughts. Whether or not out thoughts attracted the experience to us, or created it entirely I am not sure. What I do know is the mind is a powerful thing, and very likely could have created many of these experiences.

The first thing to note is that thoughts are things. There are many experiments that reinforce this idea, but I don't have the time at the moment to go into them in detail, so I will highlight some of my favourites. This is based on the fact that everything in the world gives out a signal. Everything vibrates on a certain level. In one experiment, scientists measured the quantum vibration of gold. They then hit it with different kinds of Rays (x-rays for example) and measured how the vibrational state changed because of it. They found that each time it was hit with a ray, the vibration of the gold changed. They then tried the same thing by sending thoughts at it. Although the effect was less, it would seem that thoughts too changed the vibration.

Another of my favourite experiments is the global consciousness project. In this project, scientist, engineers, etc.have created a network of random event generators. The idea is that the network will continue to create random events unless otherwise effected. Over the years many instances of non-random events have come up. The latest that comes to mind was the inaugeration of Barack Obama. Durring this event, the numbers stopped being random. The great tsunami years ago had the same effect. Everytime the world at large is focusing on one thing (I would suggest with simalar thoughts and emotions) the generator stops producing random events. Therefore thoughts effect matter (or electronics atleast).

There are also many great experiments that come from the field of quantum physics measuring how particles act when observed vs. not observed. These seem to point in one of two directions. Either there are an unlimited number of galaxies for every configuration of particles in the universe, or consciousness decides where particles go (and I don't mean humans alone).

Anyways, back to Phillip. The basic premise was that some guy thought that ghost were more created by our minds than anything else. Therefore, he decided to get a group of people together and create an imaginary ghost. They made up his place of birth, how he died etc. They then started having Seances trying to communicate with him. For a long time this didn't work, until they decided to have more fun with it. One night they basically got drunk and tried to call on phillip again, and this time they got an answer. He started knocking on the table in the middle of the room. He could make air flow through the room. He was even known to levitate and move the table to greet latecommers. They did these experiments for a while and even taped one infront of a live audience. You should check it out, it is fairly well documented.

Many of you may be asking: "How do they know it wasn't a real ghost?" This is assuming you believe that the events happened of course, which I am sure many of you reading this do not. For those of you who do believe (the smart and open minded ones) we know that Phillip was not a real ghost because he could not answer any questions outside the knowledge of the people putting on the seance.

So if the human mind can create a ghost from scratch, couldn't they easiy call back a vibraqtion that already existed, such as a spirit? Couldn't the very belief in ghosts enhance the possibility of you seeing one? I think so.

I also think that at times like Haloween when everyone is concentrating on the so called "paranormal" then strange things are more likely to happen. Many of us have had these experiences with our friends where strange and unexpected things happen to us, often when we concentrate on them.

In my own personal experience, a friend of mine thought that her house was haunted (and it very well could have been). She hated when people talked about the ghost, because everytime they did, strange things would happen. Cupboards would open, doors would slam etc. She thought it was because the ghost was mad; I think it was because the ghost was being given power by our thoughts, or possibly created by our thoughts entirely.

I suppose that it is impossible to know for sure why these things are happening, Bu these are my thoughts. What are yours?

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